Cassandra Dbeaver

As I had some problems finding Cassandra driver after DBeaver install, I went through another way: Cloned this GitHub project; Built the jar file (mvn package) Added this jar file to the Driver Manager configuration, using the JDBC Class Name and JDBC URL values as described at project README. ESources:, dbeaver GUI, setup Auth Cassandra Setup Single node. Download cassandra version 2.2.5 if not having python 2.7, do below on centos machine only: yum install -y centos-release-SCL yum install -y python27 scl enable python27 bash java driver for. DBeaver is desktop application. If you are looking for a web-based database management system – please check another of our products: CloudBeaver. It is also open-source and free.

DBeaver is certainly an ultimate Universal client which incorporates RDBMS and NoSQL Databases. The GUI is very useful and easy to manipulate all kind of DB queries.DBeaver is remarkably fast and stable. It loads quickly and responds instantaneously. Especially, It is the only client tool for Apache Cassandra NoSQL Database in market. Valentina Studio. You can download a free version from the app.


This is a followup to my previous post. My previous post demonstrated how to import a CSV using Dbeaver’s database to database export & import feature. As of version 5.1.5 Dbeaver introduced a direct CSV option for importing CSVs.

0) Install DBeaver

Ncs expert coding. You can find installation instructions here

1) Connect to your target database

1.1) Navigate through your target database & schema and right click on your target table and select import table data


1.2) Next select CSV from the list

1.3) Select your CSV file for upload

2) Ensure that the mappings of each of your columns is correct

  • For column names that are an exact match DBeaver will automatically map them for you
  • For the remaining columns make sure to map the source columns to your desired target columns

3) Complete the wizard and watch DBeaver import your data

Note: For large files it may be necessary to go get lunch but in my case 4 records doesn’t take long to import :)

Dbeaver Cassandra Free

4) Check to make sure that the data has loaded correctly

As a last optional step it is good practice to make sure that everything loaded correctly which can easily be done by running a query against your target DB

Cassandra Browser


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