
Use these shorthand utilities for quickly configuring how content overflows an element. Barebones overflow functionality is provided for two values by default, and they are not responsive. This is an example of using.overflow-auto on an element with set width and height dimensions. By design, this content will vertically scroll. Stack Overflow is the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their programming knowledge, and build their careers. Find 87 ways to say OVERFLOW, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

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Related to overflow: Buffer overflow, Stack overflow


1. To flow or run over the top, brim, or banks: The river overflowed and flooded surrounding neighborhoods.
2. To be filled beyond capacity, as a container or waterway.
3. To have a boundless supply; be superabundant. See Synonyms at teem1.
2. To spread or cover over; flood.
2. Something that flows over; an excess.
3. An outlet or vent through which excess liquid may escape.
4. Computers A condition in which a calculation produces a unit of data too large to be stored in the location allotted to it.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb, -flowsor-flowing, Overflow-flowedor (formerly)-flown
2. to fill or be filled beyond capacity so as to spill or run over
3. (usually foll by: with) to be filled with happiness, tears, etc
4. (tr) to spread or cover over; flood or inundate
6. any outlet that enables surplus liquid to be discharged or drained off, esp one just below the top of a tank or cistern
7. the amount by which a limit, capacity, etc, is exceeded
8. (Computer Science) computing a condition that occurs when numeric operations produce results too large to store in the memory space assigned to it
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(v. ˌoʊ vərˈfloʊ; n. ˈoʊ vərˌfloʊ)
2. to have the contents flowing over or spilling.
3. to pass from one part to another as if flowing from an overfull space: The population overflowed into the adjoining territory.
4. to be supplied with in great measure: a heart overflowing with gratitude.
6. to flow over or beyond (the brim, banks, borders, etc.).
8. to cause to overflow.
10. something that flows or runs over.
11. a portion crowded out of an overfilled place.
13. an outlet or receptacle for excess liquid.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: overflownStackoverflow logo
Gerund: overflowing
I overflow
you overflow
he/she/it overflows
we overflow
you overflow
they overflow
I overflowed
you overflowed
he/she/it overflowed
we overflowed
you overflowed
they overflowed
Present Continuous
I am overflowing
you are overflowing
he/she/it is overflowing
we are overflowing
you are overflowing
they are overflowing
Present Perfect
I have overflown
you have overflown
he/she/it has overflown
we have overflown
you have overflown
they have overflown
Past Continuous
I was overflowing
you were overflowing
he/she/it was overflowing
we were overflowing
you were overflowing
they were overflowing
Past Perfect
I had overflown
you had overflown
he/she/it had overflown
we had overflown
you had overflown
they had overflown
I will overflow
you will overflow
he/she/it will overflow
we will overflow
you will overflow
they will overflow
Future Perfect
I will have overflown
you will have overflown
he/she/it will have overflown
we will have overflown
you will have overflown
they will have overflown
Future Continuous
I will be overflowing
you will be overflowing
he/she/it will be overflowing
we will be overflowing
you will be overflowing
they will be overflowing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been overflowing
you have been overflowing
he/she/it has been overflowing
we have been overflowing
you have been overflowing
they have been overflowing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been overflowing
you will have been overflowing
he/she/it will have been overflowing
we will have been overflowing
you will have been overflowing
they will have been overflowing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been overflowing
you had been overflowing
he/she/it had been overflowing
we had been overflowing
you had been overflowing
they had been overflowing
I would overflow
you would overflow
he/she/it would overflow
we would overflow
you would overflow
they would overflow
Past Conditional
I would have overflown
you would have overflown
he/she/it would have overflown
we would have overflown
you would have overflown
they would have overflown
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Noun1.overflow - a large flow
flood, outpouring
flow, stream - the act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression
2.overflow - the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity
runoff, overspill
flow, flowing - the motion characteristic of fluids (liquids or gases)
Verb1.overflow - flow or run over (a limit or brim)
spill, run out - flow, run or fall out and become lost; 'The milk spilled across the floor'; 'The wine spilled onto the table'
2.overflow - overflow with a certain feeling; 'The children bubbled over with joy'; 'My boss was bubbling over with anger'
bubble over, spill over
seethe - be in an agitated emotional state; 'The customer was seething with anger'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1.spill over, discharge, well over, run over, pour over, pour out, bubble over, brim over, surge over, slop over, teem overthe sickening stench of raw sewage overflowing from toilets
2.flood, swamp, submerge, cover, drown, soak, immerse, inundate, deluge, pour overThe river has overflowed its banks in several places.
1.flood, flooding, spill, discharge, spilling over, inundationCarpeting is damaged from the overflow of water from a bathtub.
2.surplus, extra, excess, overspill, inundation, overabundance, additional people or thingsTents have been set up next to hospitals to handle the overflow.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


verb1. To flow over completely:
deluge, drown, engulf, flood, flush, inundate, overwhelm, submerge, whelm.

Overflowing Cup

2. To be abundantly filled or richly supplied:
abound, bristle, crawl, flow, pullulate, swarm, teem.
noun1. An abundant, usually overwhelming flow or fall, as of a river or rain:
alluvion, cataclysm, cataract, deluge, downpour, flood, freshet, inundation, Niagara, torrent.
2. An amount or quantity beyond what is needed, desired, or appropriate:
excess, fat, glut, overage, overmuch, overrun, overstock, oversupply, superfluity, surplus, surplusage.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أنبوب الفَيَضانفَيَضان، طَفْحيَفيض، يَغْمُر، يَطْفَح
flæîa yfir; leita út úr vegna òrengslayfirfall; flóîyfirfallsrör
išsilietinutekamasis vamzdisvandens perteklius
būt pārpilnamnotekapārplūdepārplūdes caurulepārplūst
akıntı oluğutaşmataşmak


A.[ˈəʊvəfləʊ]N (= pipe) → desagüem, tubom de desagüe; (= outlet, hole) → rebosaderom; (= liquid) → excesom de líquido, líquidomderramado; [of people] → excesom
they made an extra room available for the overflow from the meetingacomodaron otra sala para darcabida al exceso de asistentesa lareunión
B.[ˌəʊvəˈfləʊ]VI [liquid] → rebosar, derramarse; [container, room, hall] → rebosar; [river] → desbordarse
people overflowed from the hall into the streets outsidela gentedesbordó la sala, inundando las callesdelalrededor
to fill a cup to overflowingllenar una taza hasta rebosar
the crowd filled the stadium to overflowingel estadio estaba a rebosar de público
she was overflowing with joyestaba rebosante de alegría
C.[ˌəʊvəˈfləʊ]VT [+ banks] → desbordarse de, salir de; [+ fields, surrounding area] → inundar
D.CPD[ˈəʊvəfləʊ]overflow meetingNreuniónf para el exceso de público
overflow pipeNdesagüem, tubom de desagüe
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[container, river] → déborder; [liquid] → déborder
[emotions] → déborder; [anger] → éclater
His anger finally overflowed → Sa colère a fini par éclater.
to overflow with sth [+ emotion] → déborder de qch
the river overflowed its banks → la rivièreestsortie de son lit
(alsooverflow pipe) → trop-pleinm, tuyaum d'écoulement
[people] → trop-pleinm
Tents have been set up next to hospitals to handle the overflow → Des tentes ont étémontéesà côté des hôpitaux pour juguler le trop-plein.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



Overflowing Bra

(= amount)Übergelaufene(s)nt, → Übergeflossene(s)nt
(= excess: of people) → Überschussm (→ of an+dat)
vt areaüberschwemmen; container, tank → ; the river has overflowed its banksder Fluss ist über die Ufergetreten
(liquid, river etc)überlaufen, überfließen; (container)überlaufen; (room, vehicle)zumPlatzengefüllt sein, überfüllt sein (with mit); full to overflowing(bowl, cup)bis obenhin voll, zumÜberlaufen voll; roomüberfüllt, zu voll; the crowd at the meeting overflowed into the streetdie Leute bei der Versammlungstanden bis auf die Straße; you’ll have to open the doors and let the people overflow into the groundsman wird die Türenöffnen müssen, damit die Leute in die Gartenanlagenausweichen können
(fig: = be full of) → überfließen (with von); his heart was overflowing with lovesein Herz lieforfloss über vor Liebe
Overflow incontinence
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[n ˈəʊvəˌfləʊ; vb ˌəʊvəˈfləʊ]
1.n (alsooverflow pipe) → troppopieno (fig) (people) the overflow filled the courtyardquelli che non riuscirono ad entrare si accalcarono nel cortile
2.vi (gen) → traboccare; (river) → straripare; (people) → riversarsi
the theatre was overflowing with people → il teatrotraboccava di gente
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(əuvəˈflou) verb
to flow over the edge or limits (of). The river overflowed (its banks); The crowd overflowed into the next room. oorloop, loop oor يَفيض، يَغْمُر، يَطْفَح препълвам transbordar přelít se fluten gå over; flyde over ξεχειλίζωdesbordarse, rebosar üle ujutama, voolama لبریز شدن؛ طغیان کردن tulvia déborder לַעֲלוֹת עַל גְדוֹתָיו किनारे से बह निकलना pretjecati túlcsordul (vmin) berlimpah flæða yfir; leita út úr vegna þrengsla straripare; affollarsi in あふれる 범람하다 išsilieti (iš), užplūsti, užtvindyti pārplūst; būt pārpilnam melimpah overstromenoversvømme, flomme over wylać/przelać (się) سيلاب غوندى transbordar a se revărsa; a se îngrămădi переливаться; выходить за пределы preliať sa; prevaliť sa preplaviti preplaviti översvämma, flöda (svalla) över ไหลล้น taşmak 溢出,充滿 розливатися چھلکنا، زيادہ ہوجانا tràn ra 溢出,充满
(ˈəuvəflou) noun
1. a flowing over of liquid. I put a bucket under the pipe to catch the overflow; (also adjective) an overflow pipe. oorloop, oorvloed, surplus فَيَضان، طَفْح разливане excedente přelití; přepad(ový) die Überschwemmung, Überlauf-... overløb; overløbs- υπερχείλιση desbordamiento/exceso de líquido üleujutus لبریزی؛ طغیان ylivuoto trop-pleinגלישה रिसना prelijevanje, višak túlcsordulás limpahan yfirfall; flóð eccesso あふれ出し 범람, 넘친 물 vandens perteklius, potvynis pārplūde; plūdi limpahan overloopoversvømmelse, overløpzalew توييدل excedente ţeavă de deversare переливание через краи; переполнение pretekanie; prepad; prepadový presežek prelivanje översvämning ของเหลวที่ไหลล้นออกมา taşma 溢流 розлив, повінь لبريزي sự chảy tràn ra 溢流
2. an overflow pipe. oorloop, oorlooppyp أنبوب الفَيَضان разлив cano de descarga přepadová trubka der Überlauf overløbsrør σωλήνας υπερχείλισης tubería de desagüe ülevoolutoru لوله لبریزی ylivuotoputki déversoir צִינוֹר גְלִישָה रिसता हुआ पाइप slavina za višak vode túlfolyó pipa limpahan yfirfallsrör sfioratore 排水管 배수구 nutekamasis vamzdis pārplūdes caurule; noteka limpahan overlooppijpoverløpsrør rura przelewowa پايپ cano de descarga ţeavă de deversare переливная труба prietoková rúrka pretočna cev prepunjen bräddningsledning, skvallerrör ท่อระบายน้ำ akıntı oluğu 溢流管 переливна труба لبريز پائپ ống thoát nước 溢流管
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


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