Siteground Migrator

  1. Siteground Migrator Log
  2. Siteground Migrator Stalled
  • Hi. I’m encountering this error when trying to migrate from iPower to SG:

    SiteGround Migrator
    Transfer cannot be initiated due to permissions error.
    For the purposes of this transfer we need to create temporary files on your current hosting account. Please fix your files permissions at your current host and make sure your wp-content folder is writable. Files should be set to 644 and folders to 755.

    I sent this to iPower support. They claim the error is with the plugin. Their reply:
    “I have reset the file and folder permission. But still the plugin siteground is showing up error. It appears to be copying files from our server to remote server is not supported through the plugin.”

    Any ideas?

    The error occurs after I’ve entered the migration token into the SG Migrator and hit initiate transfer. My wordpress and plugin installs are up to date.



Siteground Migrator Log

FREE Hook Book: SiteGround: Blog Post With More SiteGround. Get our SiteGround discount: use the SiteGround migrator plugin to migrate hosting from your old host like Bluehost. SiteGround Migrator Transfer cannot be initiated due to permissions error. For the purposes of this transfer we need to create temporary files on your current hosting account. Please fix your files permissions at your current host and make sure your wp-content folder is writable. The SiteGround WordPress Migrator is a great idea, and I’m looking forward to them working out the kinks so that it works with websites at most hosting companies. In the meantime, you can still have SiteGround transfer your website over for free with their GrowBig and GoGeek plans. The three things you need to migrate your website are the migration plugin, migration token, and the Domain Name Servers. Copy the Migration Token and save it in a Notepad. Copy the Domain Name Servers information from your welcome email or the SiteGround website and save that with the Migration Token.

  • I have just installed and tried this plugin for the first time too and have also got this exact same error. My host (TSOhost) have changed file permissions as instructed in the error message but the error persists. They also say they think problem must be with the plugin. I’d also be interested in hearing any ways to get around it!

Siteground Migrator Stalled

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