Markdown Description List

  1. H1> HTML tag can be aligned using the align='.' Attribute, but the Markdown title. Different characters in in the same sub-list will render the.
  2. Unordered list + Unordered list. Unordered list - Nested - Unordered - List 1. Ordered list 1) Ordered list 1.
  1. Markdown List In List
  2. Markdown Description List Example
  3. Github Markdown Description List

Markdown is a simple language used to add formatting to text. Trello uses a modified version of the Markdown syntax. It allows you to easily add bold, italics, links, lists, paragraphs, headers, and images and code blocks to blocks of texts. You can add markdown to your cards in the card's description, checklists, and comments, as well as in your Trello bio.

Markdown syntax

Markdown Description List

This tutorial covers Markdown lists - Ordered, unordered, syntax with examples.

Markdown does not work in card titles, and not all syntax will display when using the Trello mobile app.

Syntax for card descriptions, comments, checklist items, and your bio:

Markdown description list example

Bold text - Mark text in double asterisks, like **this**, to make it bold.

Italic text - Mark text in single asterisks, like *this*, to make it italic. You can also use underscores to achieve the same, for example _this_

Strikethrough text - Cross out text by wrapping it in two tildes on each side, like ~~this~~.

Inline code - Include inline formatted code by wrapping it in a single backtick (`) at the beginning and end of the code.

Links - Create a link by putting the link text in brackets and the URL in parentheses, like [this](


Bonus! Hex Color Codes: Enter a hex color code in a card description or comment to see the color chip, for example #00bfb3

Markdown Template

You can copy and paste the following text to have a template on your boards:

Markdown List In List

This text is **bold**

This text is _italic_

This text is ~~crossed out~~

This text is `code`

This is a [link](

Syntax for card descriptions and comments only:

Horizontal line - A line with at least three hyphens will create a horizontal line across the entire description or comment. In card descriptions, include an extra line break after any text before the line of hyphens to prevent the hyphens from being interpreted as header syntax.

Code block - Include formatted code by wrapping it in three backticks (```) at the beginning and end of the block, or by starting a line with four spaces. Note that the triple backticks have to be on a separate line and ensure you have a blank line before and after the code block.

Indent text / Block Quotes - Indent text by including a “>” in front of each line of the text that you’d like to indent or quote.

Bullet and numbered lists: Preface a series of lines with hyphens or numbers to create a list. Lists will only be formatted if you start a new paragraph (by leaving a blank line before the list). You can add a space before the bullet mark to create nested bullets. To indent within a bulleted or numbered list, start the new line with a space.

Any line that begins with a numbered format, even if the number isn't 1, will automatically create an ordered list. This is as expected and per markdown specs. You can preserve your formatting by putting a ' before the period, e.g. 28. March.

Markdown Description List Example

Headers - Headers can be marked in several ways. Text in #Single Hashes# will be interpreted like an `<h1>` HTML tag (a big header). Text in ##Double Hashes## will be interpreted like an `<h2>` HTML tag (a smaller header). In headers, a line of hyphens below text will also be interpreted as an `<h2>` tag.

Syntax that only works in card descriptions:

Embedded images - Embed an image by putting the link text in brackets and the image URL or path in parentheses, prefaced with an exclamation mark, like: ![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg).

Github Markdown Description List

Markdown definition syntax

Escaping Markdown - To use the markdown syntax literally, you can escape the formatting using a backslash ' before the symbols, e.g. *literal asterisks*.

In a description or comment, type a pound symbol (#) followed by a hex color code to see the corresponding color chip. If you don't want to see a hex color chip, you can escape the markdown syntax using a backslash before the pound symbol: e.g. #00bfb3.


This is all the Markdown syntax that's available in Trello, but if you'd like to learn more about Markdown in general, you can see the complete syntax at Daring Fireball.

See Also:

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